30 novembre 2013

Christmas Is Here Again!

With Christmas just around the corner, it's time to bask in the Spirit of the Season... again.
One of our family traditions is to solemly open our Christmas box every year on December first
{we did it a week earlier this year}
 and to unwrap and re-discover each item it contains.

The book-lovers we are, have collected a few Christmas books
 in French and English over the years, 
here is a glimpse into some of our Family Christmas Box treasures 
mingled with some StoryBox treasures.

See you on Wednesday in La Source for our last StoryTime session 
before the summer break

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Noël approche,
nous avons sorti notre Christmas Box en avance cette année,
histoire de bien profiter de notre dernier Noël Réunionnais.
Voici un petit aperçu des trésors livresques de Noël 
contenus dans notre Christmas Box familiale
et dans la StoryBox.

A Mercredi à la Bibliothèque de la Source pour notre dernier StoryTime 
avant le break des vacances d'été!