17 décembre 2013

Spreading the Magic...

As I walk Eliott to his classroom in the morning 
I'm greeted by older children coming to give me kisses.
These kids are in love with StoryTime workshops 
and they either thank me for coming to their class
or ask me when is the next time I come to their classroom?!

It is such a great feeling to see that they get it.
Our purpose is to encourage literacy
 by introducing kids to the magic only books can provide
as well as developing peace, goodwill and understanding 
through meaningful stories from all over the world
and by providing children with a positive interaction with a foreign language at an early age.

Last week something magical happened.
You remember how in September some kids were reluctant to come and listen to stories
 on a Saturday afternoon for the Journée anglaise.
{see here for the full story}
Well, one of the children who decided to give it a try loved it so much
 that she wanted these workshops to come to her classroom.
She told her mum, who told me and her teacher, 
she told all her friends at school
and they kept asking me to come until finally it happened, last Thursday.

As I walked into their calssroom as Emma-the StoryLady,
they were beaming with joy and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement.
We shared Gemma O'Neil Oh Dear Geoffrey! -a great story about self acceptance-
My Mum by Anthony Brown - I believe we can never talk too much about filial love!-
and Nick Sharrat's Ketchup on Your Cornflakes - 
this book is always a hit!
{Anton was on my laps while I was reading and he won the children's hearts!}

This morning something even more magical happened!
As today is the last day of school before the Summer break,
a day characterized by games, candies and movies in the classroom, 
these lovely children asked me intently if I would please come and tell them stories in English, today
It's amazing to see that for them StoryTime workshops are as appealing as candies,games and DVDs...

Let's say it, 
English Rocks! and the magic is spreading...

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