1 septembre 2013

A Short History of StoryTime

People often ask me how I came up with such a way of telling stories in English to little French kids.
One of the comments I usually get is "woah, this is so simple but you had to think about it!"

So here is the story of  how it came to be:
Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Al.
Before he even knew how to walk, he was already fascinated by books of all sorts.

 When he turned two, he received a gorgeous book from his mother’s Australian friend. His mother read it to him every night and discovered how fun and easy it was to read in English to this lovely French boy.

Other books crossed oceans to land in the boy's and mum’s hands and new pleasures were shared with each page read.

Years later, that reading team joined by three more darling boys, was living on a beautiful island somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean. All of them still enjoyed the pleasure of reading Australian books together every now and then.

One day, the idea came, mummy wanted to share!
Share her passion for books, her passion for stories, her passion for English and her love for a foreign country where she had learnt so much.

It’s not only reading stories, it’s teaching kids that people are people wherever they may live ,
it’s helping them see that different does not have to mean better or less
or even scary!
It’s taking a step towards peace, goodwill and understanding one child and one story at a time.

Up with "Story Time"!

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